Micro-grants, investigative reporting help and more

We’re always happy to spread the word about the good things that are happening at the NJ News Commons. Here are the bullet points from Commons’ director Debbie Galant:

  • Time is running out! Want to start a news site in NJ? The NJ News Commons will help — with micro-grants, monthly coaching and peer-to-peer mentoring. The deadline for applying is Friday, April 11. Read more here. Apply here.
  • Register for Innovating the Local News Ecosystem, a national conference sponsored by the Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University, set for Friday April 25. Speakers include Ken Doctor, Jeff Jarvis and Eric Newton. Conference schedule plus registration info here.
  • Be part of the open data movement in NJ. Sign up for the Open Data NJ Summit at Montclair State University on Thursday May 15. Read more here.
  • Need help with investigative reporting? Let our investigative reporting coach Ben Lesser lead you through the process. Free. Learn more here. We also hold free investigative training workshops on the first Friday of every month.

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