Our Excellence in Journalism contest is now open!
You can begin submitting entries in the 2024 contest. Once again this year we are using the Better Newspapers Contest platform (also known as BetterBNC). It will provide a much smoother entry process, and one that many of you are already familiar with from other contests. If you already have an Open Call account on BNC, just go to this link to log in.
You’ll see this log-in screen.
Once you’ve submitted your information to the contest, the contest administrators will verify your eligibility to submit entries, and you’ll receive an email confirming that your account has been enabled for our contest.
If you already have an Open Call Contestant login, use it. If you don’t, just click the link at the lower right corner of the login screen that says “Create your Open Call Account.” You’ll see a screen that looks like this.
Fill out all the necessary information and click the submit button.
Once your contestant account has been enabled by the contest administrators, search the list of contests for NJ-SPJ 2024 Excellence in Journalism Awards. (Depending on your previous participation in contests, you may see more than one contest option, including past contests you entered.)
You can enter as many categories as you want. When you have finished submitting entries, you’ll calculate your fees and go to a checkout page on our website to pay for your entries using a major debit/credit card. Simple as that.
When you have finished submitting entries, you’ll calculate your fees and click the link to go to a checkout page on our website to pay for your entries using a major debit/credit card. It’s as simple as that.
If you have any problems or questions, please email contest@njspj.org